As promised dear reader the tea cosy mentioned in the previous post and it's finished.
It was made from a felted Op shop jumper and I used other felted wool from jumpers, scarves and some woollen blanket I dyed myself.
If you read the previous post you will notice how different it looks now that it has some stitching on it.
I burrowed into my fabric stash and came up with some cotton fabric to line it.
I don't 'do' tea cosies with openings for spouts and handles, far too fiddly for me
Autumns Jewels - rosehips and the last of the blackberries.

It appealed to my love of Autumn.
Doesn't it remind you of strawberries and cream or raspberry ripple icecream?
A lovely lady I met through my work has been crocheting them for many, many years. Gwen would be in her 70's and I couldn't help but admire it and offered to buy it .
It may be a little bit 'nanna' but you have to admire the workmanship and that's gone into it.
Lets hope that it's not a dying art.

This was one end of my stall at the market last Saturday, tea cosies, cards, baby singlets and some soft toys on the far left.
A bunch of zinnias to brighten everything up of course.
Shall have to whip up something on which to display my cards upright.

We love them, a little bit too much perhaps, but No1 son decided he would whip them up.
An apron was a must, afterall, he couldn't get flour on his singlet could he?!!

Let me reassure they tasted as good as they looked.
Funny that Mr. G. just happened to drop by on the pretext of getting some files for work!!

Another garden shot, vegie garden has done quite well this season, not that we have alot in it, we have scaled back due to the drought, but the late planted beans are going berserk over the arch (middle of the photo) I am picking a bunch everyday, just love them.
Where have the hills gone?
This was the view that greeted me on Monday morning after a weekend where it rained and rained and rained, we thought we had seen the last of it, but Monday did turn out to be a fine day after a dull start.

To be honest, I do love this sort of weather and now that it is cooling down I am alot happier, as my thoughts turn to soup, more knitting, crocheting and mmm, maybe it's time for another savoury scone.
Thanks for dropping by take a minute to say 'hi', I love to read your comments.
From my corner of the globe to yours with love.
Claire X
Love the tea cozy..well done. Your son is so handsome...I love a man in an apron! Mine wears one I made for him( Manly denim). Looking forward to gardening again here in Virginia. Was 67 yesterday! Have a great weekend and don't forget to come for Pieday!!
ReplyDeleteyour friend,
I enjoyed this little insight into your life... how great to have a son who cooks... thanks so much for your comment over at mine :-)
ReplyDeleteFabulous teacosy! Isn't it a bit soft to machine embroider? Do you use a stabiliser behind it?
ReplyDeleteI love your cards, you're quite an inspiration. Your obviously a natural at the machine embroidery.
I hope the stall went well.