Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Home Is Where The Heart Is....♥♥♥

Hello there lovelies, it's been over 12 months since I last posted, so I hope you haven't completely forgotten about me,........wouldn't blame you if you have...:)

A lot has happened in that time, so I'll try and be brief and not ramble too much and I have to confess, that's not easy for me!!

We have settled in nicely to our new home, having moved in, in March.
I set up my sewing room and have been stitching away quite happily.
It's on the front of the house, facing North, so it gets the morning sun and has a beautiful view down our driveway/garden/ orchard which we refer to as 'the park', along with 2 beautiful 100 year old, plus Oak trees....

Spring has been having quite an influence on my work recently.

Beautiful, bright Japonica, birds eggs, a buzzy bee and of course a few words......

'Awake thou wintry earth.
Fling off thy sadness!
 Fair vernal flowers,laugh 
forth your ancient gladness.'

Beautiful Japonica, it grows wild on the road side and I love a few stems of it in a vase. 
It certainly brightens up a dull, grey day

Moving to our new home I was a little worried my favourite Winter bird wouldn't be able to find us and for the first half of the season, I didn't see any, but the last few weeks, they have visited regularly. 
Sometimes I've spotted 2 or 3 of these handsome red chested fellows and it makes me soooo happy to see them flitting from fence to tree to birdbath.

One day as I was checking the letter box for mail one chirpy fellow was sitting in a gum tree and singing away.
That was a first......
 I have never heard them sing before and I have to tell you it was quite a special moment.

Of course when you spot a male, there's usually a female close by and I love this beautiful, little ball of feathers, fluffed up against a cold morning.

Recent sunny, Saturdays we have enjoyed morning tea in the vegie garden.
 Home made Date scones, a pot of tea, blue sky and sunshine, what more could you ask for?.......OK chocolate cake maybe, hehe....

Another recent stitchery.
 I tried something a little different.
Love the fabric 'frame' and the verse by Shelley....
describes Spring's arrival perfectly.

I did a market back in July, the first for a long time and I decided to get some business cards
(apologies for the blurry pic, uploaded the wrong one!!)
I ordered these through Moo cards, they are Mini Moo and sooooo cute.
With our dodgy WIFI it took quite a few tries to up load photos but it was worth it in the end.
Great price, quality and service, definitely recommend them.

So, the last 12 months has pretty much been about moving,  building our new home and settling in.

We are sooooo happy with how it turned out,
We down sized a little, but there is still plenty of room for everything we need.....although my sewing room could be a tad bigger, but I think I would always say that....:)

It's a very comfortable, easy to live in home.
Every time I look down the 'park' and see that beautiful view, I pinch myself realising how very blessed we are to be the caretakers of this beautiful property.

Now that Spring is here, there's lots to do outside.

I'm keen to get started on the new shrubbery, so if any of you green thumbed ladies have some ideas on turning a bare patch of ground into a garden bed, I'd be more than grateful for your tips.

So girls, there's a brief round up of what's been happening in this corner of the globe.

Thanks to Sue over at Mr Micawber's Recipe for Happiness for giving me a gentle reminder that I should update my blog!!

Hope you are all well and enjoying the change of season where ever you are......

Claire xx


  1. How wonderful to 'see' you Claire. Thanks for a lovely post and I think your new home is beyond beautiful. Glad you've all settled in, including your sweet birdy friends!xxx

  2. How nice to see a post from you. You have been there in my favourite blog list, and I was beginning to wonder what had happened to you. So glad that you are thriving and happy in your new home, and the stitching is lovely as ever.

  3. how lovely to see your post and pretty applique and embroidery work again, I still have one of your pieces which I treasure. Your new house is beautiful, once you get a nice bit of gardening done it's going to be really special.

  4. Hello......so pleased the move went well and it sounds like it has the beginnings of paradise. Spring is so welcome here too....I look,forward to seeing what this Spring inspires you to create. Xxx

  5. Welcome back Claire! Glad to hear you have settled in your new home and feel happy!

    Madelief x

  6. Aw, lovely to 'see' you back Claire! Your new home looks fab :) You will have the garden looking ship-shape in no time I'm sure. Hopefully getting back to my own blog next week - have had an extended summer break - oooops! Lovely stitcheries as always :) :)
    Alison xxx

  7. Great to hear from you Claire. What sort of bird is that - is it a wren? I know what you mean about always seeing them together, it's the same with the fairy wrens, when you see the male, there is always a female hopping near by.

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  10. How exciting to see a post from you, Claire! Of course we've run into each other on fb, but somehow it's not the same. :)

    So glad to hear you're all settled in to your new digs. I was thinking about you last week while doing some hand stitching - I think of you every time I get a needle out of that adorable NY needle book.

    The japonica stitchery is simply perfect. And the real thing is so beautiful. Other people's wildflowers always seem so much more exotic than one's own.

    Happy - let's see, what season is it for you? - Spring!

  11. Hi Claire, I hope this gets to you, but I wanted to say thank you for your recent good wishes on my engagement - and it would be soooo lovely if you felt like blogging again. Just a thought :-) xxx

    1. Hey Gretel, thank you for your comment, lovely to hear from you. Blogging has fallen by the wayside I'm afraid, I'd like to think that I would take it up again, but I'll have to leave it at 'never, say never'. Hope you are well and happy......Lots of love from Oz.....xx

  12. Claire, this post is lovely . . . I want to sit in your garden and listen to you read poetry while looking at your stitching masterpieces. You Rock! I love these charming verses :)


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