As promised here is the gorgeous little fella I have been waiting for.
He's had a long journey from the UK, but made it safe and sounds thanks to his friend and constant companion Batman.
He is the work of talented textile, artiste, Karen at
Take a little trip over to her blog, she always has me in stitches (no pun intended!) and her work is amazing. Make sure you have a peek in her etsy shop too.
That's where I found this little fella and I actually gasped with delight when I spied him. I LOVE Robins and as winter is on it's way so are the Robins, yippee.
As is my way I 'ummed and aahed' for a couple of days before deciding I really couldn't live without him. During that time he sat there waiting patiently, knowing that eventually I would come to my senses and realise he needed to be living "Downunder".
Karens work is quite detailed, Batman and all the words are embroidered in a very fine cotton. She must have super human eyesight or a great magnifying glass! Click on the photo to enlarge and see all the detail.
Anyway, Mr. Robin has settled in nicely here at the Sweet Birdy Love household.
Two furry felines are oblivious to his presence, which is just how it should be!!
As I needed to be in town again the next day, I just happened to pop into the same shop and purchase it.
I am a brooch kinda gal, particularly with winter coming. I mean to say just about everything you wear has either a collar, lapel or somewhere to put a sweet little brooch!!
This one belonged to my mum and I remember seeing it in her jewellery box when I was a child but I never paid any attention to it.
After she passed away, I decided it needed to live with me and you can guarantee that every time I wear it, someone will compliment me on it. I'm so glad I kept it as it's a lovely reminder of her.
Unfortunately, my camera wasn't co-operating so that photo is a little out of focus
Another out of focus shot, think I might have to spend some time reading the manual for my camera!!
This little beauty I bought at the Rose Street Market in Fitzroy, last time I was in Melbourne.
I love owls and had a bit of trouble deciding as there were quite a few owl brooches for sale.
I figured this was good value two owls for the price of one, aren't they sweet
A little bit of sewing has taken place today.
This is a little softie I made for a friends new baby.
Recycled jumper, crochet, free hand machine embroidery and voila.
It's going to be winging it's way to New York on Wednesday, tucked safely into someones suitcase.
Just had to capture this view as I stepped out of my front door last week, the colours were so striking.
And this is making me smile too, a full wood box and a barrow load of kindling collected from the paddock.
So I can sit by the fire nice and cosy and wait for those Red Red Robins to come Bob Bob Bobbin along!!
Hope you all had a good weekend , and found some time to be creative.
From my little corner of the globe , till next time
Claire X
P.S. The handsome little chap at the top of my post is a Red Robin, the Robins that visit in my little corner are called Flame Robins. There are a lot of different varieties in Australia, some are even yellow!! Flame Robins are insect eaters, I usually have only one or two males visit over winter. That's why I get such a thrill when I see them sitting on the fence.
When I was a child there seemed to be alot more around and the winters seemed colder too!!They leave the Alpine/mountains in winter and head down to the lowland where it is warmer.
If you would like some more info. just google - Robins Australia - and you will be able to find out alot more about these colourful little chaps.
Looks so pretty there!
ReplyDeleteLike your silver bird brooch.
Yes, I've been enjoying Marion Cran and always looking for another tome..........
Hi Claire. I clicked on the robin picture. The detail and colours are amazing. We had lots of robins in the garden during the winter. Didn't realise they emigrated over to you - fascinating!
ReplyDeleteI like brooches too. The weather here has very cold and wet the last few days. And we're supposed to be in late spring. Went out in my winter coat today
Hi Claire, again. I looked up 'flame robin' like you suggested. Aren't they gorgeous little birds with that stunning orange/red breast! Ours over here have brown plummage on their backs whereas these have black feathers - stunning! thanks for sharing that with me.
ReplyDeleteLove the red robin, and a very interesting touch of Batman...great detail!