It was the design that attracted me and the lovely feel of the fabric.
I couldn't leave it there , so for 50 cents it found it's way home with me.
What am I going to do with it...... enjoy the lovely vintage/retro design
Have any of you heard of Dessin Depose?
I found another handkerchief with a different design by the same person? on Ebay. Not alot came up when I googled the name......
Can anyone solve the mystery for me?
"Am I getting organised ahead of time?" you ask
Surely you know me better than that by now!
It's time, I have been postponing this event, but today was D day and the Zinnias had to go.
Althought they were still valiantly flowering, albeit smaller and on thinner stems, they were still putting on a colorful show.
This is one of 3 wheelbarrow loads I took to the compost heap.
Talk about value for money....... Out of one packet of seeds, I had months of the most vivid colourful flowers in my garden. I gave away many bunches to friends, bought plenty inside the house to enjoy and they even inspired some book covers.
I made a friend of Gayle over at, we shared a love of this flower and one of my notebook covers found it's way to her home on the opposite side of the globe.
As I pushed the overflowering wheelbarrow to the compost heap the bees were still following the flowers eager to extract the remaining pollen.
They are such busy little workers.
Now that Winter has arrived it is time to start using my 'Winter" mug. It's a Brambly Hedge design, I have one for each season.
I bought this mug many years ago and just love the picture. Two mice in front of a blazing fire, lovely mantle above and beams on the ceiling. Mr. Mouse is in the big comfy chair with the cute little paned window behind him and Mrs Mouse has a fresh baked pie on a plate. No doubt they are going to have a big slice for their supper.
The scene is just so English and I am sure that some you who are reading this post, could quite possibly live in such a cottage ...... only without the mice!!
I spent some time out in the garden today, raking up leaves in the orchard. Of course as soon as I let the 'girls' out, they were into those piles of leaves looking for a tasty morsel.
Then it was over to the shrubbery and mulch was flying left, right and centre!
Did I mind, no not really, it's such a lovely country scene and they enjoy a bit of freedom to roam around the garden and of course they eat a lot of pests so I didn't begrudge them their 'time out'
When my back was turned 3 of them headed for the silverbeet which they love. There was still plenty left for me!
Another photo of the Persimmon taken on my way home from town today. It has dropped all it's leaves and there is still a heap of fruit on the tree.
I couldn't get any closer for a better shot and the colour of the fruit is quite washed out in this photo, but it has taken me close to 10 years to getting around to photograph it, so I think I shall be posting a few more shots before all the fruit disappears.
I had some problems with my camera last week and couldn't sort them out. Hubby who is in the States couldn't help, so I took it into the camera shop today and one of the staff sorted it out in about 60 secs !!!
It's times like this I wish I was a bit of a techno geek, or I wish I knew where the instruction book let was!!
I hope the past week has been a good one for you and you have your instruction booklet at hand for reference if needed!!
Thanks for dropping by and saying "hi", take time to enjoy your day and the beauty that surrounds you in your corner of the globe.
Till next time,
Claire X
I love Brambly Hedge too! The inside of our tiny cottage is not a million miles away from your mug scene, though we have no overmantle and there is a wood burning stove instead of an open fire - our fireplace is a big old stone one almost identical to that one, and we have the beams...though sadly no comfy chair like Mr Mouse there. As for real mice - they would be foolish indeed to trespass, with four cats on patrol!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Claire,
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of Dessin Depose, but I love your new scarf. I also have a place in my heart for sturdy and of my favorite cut flowers. It looks like you had quite a garden full.
I have the same Brambly Hedge chine of my most loved illustration quaint. So funny that the first person that came to mind when I saw that cup was my dear friend Gretel Parker in the Cotswolds.....and guess who the first blogger to comment....Gretel!
I smiled seeing your 'girls' pecking through your garden.
Well thanks for the fun visit and I am sending much love your way. Be well!
your friend,
Hi sweetie, I bought my mum the spring version of that cup but sadly it broke a few weeks ago. Everything looks so bright and lovely down under, here in the uk - heating on jumpers on freezing cold june...
ReplyDeleteHi Claire. Great pics again. The red telephone boxes have all but disappeared which is a bit sad. Also sad when the summer flowers have to go - but great while they're flowering. We have had such a lot of rain over here everything's gone crazy (including the weeds) Have a great day. Love Molly x