Ah photos at long last, welcome to the New Year. It wasn't all that painful but just somewhat laborious. No doubt practice makes perfect or as perfect as I can possibly be lol!!
This little beauty is a tea cosy I made using a recycled woollen blanket that I dyed.
I was aiming for red but fell short somewhat, but I love what came out of the dye pot. HOT pink, luscious pink, pink that would make you gasp with delight! Ok that may be taking it a bit too far.
Sticking with the recycled theme I snipped some motifs from a crocheted table runner and added them, to the front of the cosy. I then lined it with a lovely bright blue and white polka dot cotton fabric. Some of my favourite colours coming together nicely.
On the other side I decided to add a little verse, that I "thunk up meself" and it reads "oh for fine bone china, a pretty tea cosy and a buttery biscuit. Simple pleasures are the sweetest"
In my haste to finish it off and take it to a market I forgot to dot the i's and then proceeded to tie off thread ends on the wrong side!!!
Never mind the i's have since been dotted but someone must've noticed as it sat on my stall all afternoon whilst other surrounding tea cosies went off to new homes.
I love making tea cosies they are a blank canvas waiting to be decorated. I like using recycled and felted jumpers in the main and adding something slightly quirky to them.
Well, this is my first post with photos for 2010. I look forward to many, many more once I truly get the hang of this. If anyone reading this would like to leave a reply it would be so lovely to hear from you.
Heading for a hot weekend in this little corner of the globe 42 and 43deg., arrgh, hope all is well wherever your abode is. Best wishes to you and yours for 2010.
Well, I think the tea cozy is a delight, and especially the verse and unique 'handwriting'
ReplyDeleteHere's to tea and scones!
Hi there! I'm glad you stumbled upon my blog. I love your tea cozies!
ReplyDeleteNothing better than a nice pot of tea shared with a friend, and the tea keeping warm under a beautiful tea cozy... especially if it has uphill writing on it. :-)
Julie and Gayle, thankyou for lovely comments and support. I am finally making headway with my blog and am enjoying immensely. Poor Mr G. wont' get a chance to use his computer soon!!