Monday, March 30, 2009

Photos at Last!!

A little eggy goodness I created on Saturday amongst other things. I love eggs and get plenty of beautiful eggs from my "girls"and I think that you can never have enough cute egg cosies. I love the polka dot fabric, it's a deep red and I think it has a vintage feel to it. There is writing on the other side, I embroidered it with my machine and it say "Buttery Toast Soldiers for dipping"
unfortunately, I can't load that picture for some reason

Like they say "Birds of a feather flock together"

I recently attended the Melbourne Stitches and Craft Show and and did a workshop with lovely sisters Rosalie Quinlan and Melanie Hurlston from "Melly and Me". They make wonderful softies and ran a workshop on their messenger birdies, mine is pictured above. The birdies sit in a nest made of chrocheted strips of fabric, but we ran out of time. The girls also gave a half hour talk on making softies in which I picked up some very simple but very useful tips and have been putting them into practice with great success. These birdies are addictive and I have made a friend (see first picture, we are having technical difficulties, please bare with us!) now there are two on my cabinet and very soon there will be a small flock of them!!

I had other photos to add but we are having problems as this is new to all of us , but I would like to say a big thankyou to Mr G. and No1 son for their time and help and I can see that I will have to learn pretty quickly how to do all this as I need to add photos as I don't have enough witty repartee to keep people coming back time and again.

If anyone out there has any hints or tips on successfully adding photos to your blog I certainly would appreciate them.
Until next time.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Well, today was the big day, I started my Tafe course - Visual Art and Contemporary Craft. After missing the first two weeks, due to work, I finally made it and I don't have to do too much catching up, BUT there will be homework involved!! Ahem, we'll see about that, I might just have to work extra hard in class and get it all done there. Less talking and more working, I don't know if that's possible!

I was drawing plants from the gardens, looking at textures and patterns, enlarging them and eventually they will be transferred onto fabric using a variety of sewing techniques.
There are alot of very clever and talented ladies in the class and I feel perhaps they should be out the front teaching as well and not sitting with the rest of the students. I am sure over the next few months I will learn alot about a number of different crafts and my projects will reflect my new skills, so it will be interesting to see my work evolve. I felt a little bit intimidated by how knowledgeable some of these women were, but they were all very friendly and happy to share their ideas and help me out, so I quickly relaxed into the swing of things.

I find when I am in a group situation like this it's interesting to observe other people and build up a personality profile of them. Who is the joker in the group or the Serious Sam or the one who always does their homework on time and always gets an A+. I don't always get it right, but it's fun.

When I figure out how to put photos on my blog I will start posting some and give you all something interesting to look at. In the mean time I must take the camera outside and take some photos of interesting textures and patterns.

We are in for a fine weekend, no rain on the horizon, although we did have 4 mls on Wednesday, it puts a bit of rain in our tank and washes the dust off the plants.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hold on tight, here we go !!

Welcome to my blog. Hopefully this will be the first of many posts, thankyou for stopping by. I hope to share aspects of my life with you and let you know what I am up to as far as my craft goes. I am not a prolific crafter more a sporadic crafter when the mood and the inspiration hit me and time is available. I admire more those people who work full time and then find time to craft into the night.
I haven't been to Uni or studied fine arts, but if something takes my fancy, I like to have a go and see what eventuates. I am actually starting a part time course at Tafe this week and it is called Visual Art and Contemporary Craft. It sounds like everything I am interested in rolled into one course - screen printing, painting, fiber art etc. etc. It will be very exciting to see what comes out of it. It runs till November, just one day per week, so fingers crossed I learn lots and get to "play".
It rained lightly for most of today, probably only 5 or 6 mls in total but it was lovely to hear it on the roof, see it falling outside, to walk in it and when I finished work I went into town, sat outside my favourite coffee shop with a coffee and a yummy chokky biscuit and watch it fall . The oak trees lining the street were dripping wet and the water was trickling down the deep, stone lined gutters, a sight we don't see often enough. Autumn is one of my favourite seasons and grey ,gloomy, wet days are some of my favourites as well.
Once I get this Blog up and running and all the hiccups ironed out, I hope to get into a bit of craft and show you what I do, so please come back and visit me soon.
Bye for now