Some gorgeous colour from the garden.
I had to pick a bunch of Zinnias, keeping to the orange/ yellows.
Too beautiful to be outside with no one to admire them.
This year I have a white Zinnia, I've never had one before and it doesn't seem quite right.
Like something has gone awry during it's growth, but it has a beauty all of its own.
At this time of year, there's not alot flowering in the shrubbery apart form some roses. The only other picking flowers I have grown are Zinnias and some gorgeous Sunflowers which the chooks are enjoying at present.
Perhaps I need to rethink my Summer garden........
Years past, water has been scarce so I had to be careful, but now, there's plenty of water so I might plan a few more flowers for my 'cutting garden' next Summer.
OK, I'm a hearing you............ We've seen this before.......
Well, this time it's finished and I had to have a 'ta dah' moment.
So can you please just go with me on this as it's taken up all my sewing time this week........
I'm thrilled with the finished cushion, love the colours, the fabrics and the white text on grey.
(Unfortunately, the colours look a little washed out in the photos)
The back has a button opening with a contrast strip of fabric.
I used the buttonhole footy thing on my machine for the first time and it was a learning curve....
I read the instructions, practised on a scrap of fabric, all good.
Then I got the cushion back and proceeded to do the button holes.
First one, no problems, second one, all good, yeah, we're on a roll.....
Third one, well, I think the machine decided enough was enough.
Ok, I'm not going to let it beat me. Pull it out and try again. Still not right, pull it out try again....
Third time, whaaaaaaaaaats this all about, I'm following the instructions to the letter.
Pull it out and just use a good old satin stitch on the machine .
No problems, buttonhole finished.
As I was pulling it out and trying again and again and again, I decided to stitch up a little something.
This is what I would liked to have done, BUT, too much time and effort had already gone into it.
So, this little stitchery will sit beside my machine, to remind me to keep trying.
After all it was only a little, old buttonhole.
I know how to do them without the automatic , footy thing and I can handstitch a buttonhole. Learnt to do that at school, so...........
This week has been a little different from the norm with a public holiday (Australia Day) smack bang in the middle.
Whilst we had a lovely relaxing if somewhat warm day it has rather thrown me off kilter.
Today feels like Friday, hmmmm,
I hope your week is going well and Aussie bloggers enjoyed the holiday.
We certainly live in a beautiful country.
Thanks for dropping by and saying "hi", always nice to hear from you.
Till next time, take care,
Claire X