(The gremlins have been playing havoc with my post tonight and I 'm not quite sure what I need to press to eliminate the little monsters, so please bare with the underlined text )
I only popped in for some fabric, but walked out with this armful of gorgeous wool as well.
Well what was I meant to do when there was a 20% off sale on EVERYTHING at Spotlight?
I had 15 minutes to spare till my hairdressers appointment , so I had to be quick. As the wool was not on my shopping list I just picked up a few colours that appealed to me.
Knowing full well, I did not need the wool.
I have enough wool at home in my stash.
I have plenty U F O's in the cupboard if I want to play with wool................ but resistance was futile!

Resistance was futile, the machine was calling me to sew and this is what I came up with....... a needle book, part of a little project I am working on.
WARNING: The following photos may contain images of polka dot fabric and book covers.
Anyone allergic to these images should not continue to read this post.
Come and visit another day though! Please............

When you love Kombi's/Campervans resistance is futile, you just have to give in ..........
These little beauties have just rolled off the production line and need finishing off.
Couldn't resist making this caravan cover as well, you know how it goes............ resistance was futile.
Another photo of the Crab Apple tree R.W.F. It's a frothy, confection of beautiful raspberry and pale pink. The perfume is delightful and it's so lovely to look at. In a couple of weeks all the blooms will have disappeared, so I am enjoying it while I can.
Just wanted to show this picture to you.Now please don't look at the weeds in the vegie garden or the long grass that needs mowing. That's not what I wanted to show you.Above the gravel walkway which leads to the chook run, is a Wisteria. In the last week the buds have suddenly appeared............ or so it seems and in another week or two it will be a vision of purple blossom.I love Wisteria, one of my favourite plants. Just wanted to show you a 'before' picture.

Looking through from one end. There is a seat half way along, perfect spot for enjoying a cup of tea . I took these photos with my 'pocket rocket' camera. Hubby has taken 'the beast' away with him for the weekend and No. 1 son has gone with him too. The light was fading so apologies for dull photos.
It's been quite a busy week for me, extra shifts at work have kept me on the go with early morning starts.
It's also been quite cool weather wise but still beautiful, sunny days if a little breezy at times.
It's the time of year, when you have to peel off those Winter layers of clothing and reveal the lily white legs you've been hiding.
It's time to stop lighting the wood heater of an evening and pack away the blankets . Turn off the electric blanket and put the summer doona on the bed.
I know resistance is futile but I will hang onto the cooler weather as long as I can.
I lit the heater last night and tonight. The boys are away so there will be no one to say "mum, you really don't need a fire tonight!"
I will turn the electric blanket on just to warm the bed and then turn it off when I am ready to go to sleep.
I will keep the lily white pins covered for as long as possible because, believe me they are a scary sight!!!
Resistance is also futile when it comes to :- chocolate cake with icing and sprinkles (not 100's &1000's, too crunchy for my liking)
Hot buttered toast and Vegemite
Sewing instead of gardening !
Surfing the net when I should be doing housework!
Ooh the list could go on and on but I will leave it there. Please feel free to leave a comment and add to my list.
I hope you have all had a good week and managed to resist the things you need to but give in to those things you can enjoy.
When the gremlins have been eliminated I shall share some news of a lovely blog award I have received.
Until then enjoy your weekend and thanks for visiting.
Claire X