Hello there and welcome to Monday, a little late in the day here but Monday all the same.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend, I certainly did despite having to work Saturday.
I felt I needed some smaller 'makes' for my stall, so today I have been drawing, snipping ironing and sewing up some yet to be filled Lavender Bags.
First up I snipped into an old doiley and mixed it up with some polka dots.
I love the combination of colours..........red, blue and yellow, very vintage looking.
The rest of the Lavender Bags have wee houses on them, click on the pic to get a better look.
Lots of nice and bright,eye catching polka dots.
Sorry about the pants pic.............
Another three to be made up...............
So, after a bit of playing it's back to the usual 'makes' for my stall.
I'm thinking of doing another market next month, so I better stop talking about what I'm going to do and get on with it..........
I'd like to introduce you to a little visitor I found womble- ing around my yard today.
It's an Echidna, or Spiny Anteater.
I had spotted it out in the paddock yesterday and today it has come into the house yard.
It might be small, but it's certainly not slow.
They have very powerful legs for digging and they're like a mini tank barrelling along and not letting anything stop it ...........well almost.
A baby Echidna is called a Puggle ( although there is some dispute about this) I think that is such a cute name.........
I don't think our rooster was too keen to see it enter the chook run.
It followed the fence line till it found a space under a gate and disappeared into the orchard.
Wild life of a different sort.............
The late flowering Crab Apple is covered in a frothy, sea of beautiful blossom and some little beetley critters were enjoying the bounty.
No idea what they are, but there were quite a few of them, on the flowers and flying around and not just by the Crab Apple but in other areas of the garden as well.
If you have any idea what these beetles are I would love to know.
I did a search online, but couldn't see anything resembling them.
The roses are starting to bloom at long last and this beauty is Abraham Darby a stunning David Austin rose.
Wont' be too long before I can cut a few bunches to bring inside.
Fresh flowers in the house, on my bedside table and in the bathroom...........
I found this young Magpie sitting in the garden Sunday morning.
It wasn't moving and it let me get close enough to touch it.
Obviously, it's just learnt to fly, but was struggling a bit.
It was still covered in alot of down with a few wing feathers.
I couldn't see mum anywhere and was worried that it had been abandoned.
I rang a friend who's a Wildlife Carer, Jo advised me to just keep an eye on it.
She said the Magpie mum would be around somewhere, but it was a warm day, so I put a dish of water next to it.
Mum eventually showed up and the baby followed her around the yard. I had to go out and when I returned a few hours later they had both disappeared.
It's nice having these interesting visitors, I much prefer them to the long, brown, slithery kind which can be found at this time of year !!
It's been fairly quiet here in the Sweet Birdy Love household, with the boys being away for a few days but they will be home in a couple of hours which will be lovely.
I have been busy doing all those houseworky things that I have been ignoring for a little while, lol.......
It's been a dull, overcast day here and trying hard to rain. We haven't had any decent rain for close to a month and with the warmer days the garden is drying out. I don't want to start the watering regime just yet..............
I even did a load of washing and hung it out hoping that might help the clouds drop their load and give the garden the drink it needs, but sadly they didn't and the washing dried, hehe........
Well, I have some Lavender Bags to fill, so I'm off to do that now.
Thanks for swinging past to check out my ramblings, it's nice to have you come visit.
You know I like interesting visitors.......
Till next time, take care,
Claire X
P.S. It's raining, woohoo...........finally.
I can hear it running down the spouting, but more important I can hear all the plants enjoying a drink, hooray.........